

Friday, 9 June 2017

How much a blogger with millions followers make

How much a blogger with millions followers make

There are different bloggers from different niches and they all make different income even if they all have the same amount of traffic/followers.

The business capabilities of a blogger determines how successful or how rich he will be but all in all, the niche market where they all operate will determine how well paid they will be. Bloggers with very high traffic in the count of millions make between $5k - $100k per month and that's very huge.

Bloggers in the following niche market are well paid if they have that huge followership.
  • Business marketing / Personal finance niche
  • Healthcare and health insurance
  • Technology and Development
  • SEO  and content marketing
While bloggers in the following niche earn lesser than those in the above niche even if they have the same amount of traffic

  • Gossips and entertainment niche
  • Cooking and restaurants
  • Downloads and media pirates
That said, each niche determines how much people are willing to pay for such services.

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