

Sunday, 30 April 2017

How to know how many people that read your whatsapp message

We all know what is WhatsApp and what it is used for, so I won't explain what it is.

Many of you are participants in many Whatsapp groups, but when you send message to a group, no one replies and you will think that no one saw your message.

No, don't worry, WhatsApp delivered your message, so far your message was ticked as you can see in the picture below, it was delivered.
How to know how many people that read your whatsapp message

As you can see in the picture above, no one replied to my message, but I knew those that the message were delivered to and those that read it.

You can call it magic but it's simple to check, it's one of the newly WhatsApp features, so better go and update your whatsapp now to enjoy this feature.

So for you to know that your message have been delivered to, long tap the WhatsApp message, till something cloudy covers it. And different icons will display above your Whatsapp, as you can see below....
How to know how many people that read your whatsapp message
Then click on the circled (i) and you will see those that have received your message and those that have read it.
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